I’m running for U.S. Senate because the government should truly be “by the people, for the people.” Our democracy is in grave danger. I’m concerned about the future for my 19-year-old son and everyone in future ...
Read moreI’m running for U.S. Senate because the government should truly be “by the people, for the people.” Our democracy is in grave danger. I’m concerned about the future for my 19-year-old son and everyone in future generations. The government should work for the benefit of the majority, not the small number of wealthy.
We need affordable universal health care, farmers to be treated fairly, good jobs all over the state and a level playing field so monopolies can’t destroy our small towns. Iowans need clean air and water, a justice system that treats everyone fairly and equally, and good public schools that provide the same high-quality education to all children, regardless of whether they live in Clive or Creston. We need representation that isn’t bought by corporations, drug companies or any special interests. We need revolutionary campaign finance reform to get big money and corruption out of government. We need universal voter registration and voting to be incredibly easy and quick. No more politics as usual.
My goal is to be the best senator money *can’t* buy. Emerge Iowa has been instrumental in inspiring, teaching, mentoring and connecting me and the rest of our amazing class of women, so we can become “the ones we’re waiting for.” We won’t be waiting much longer, thanks to Emerge Iowa.
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